Hatha Yoga

Journey Through Mind Body Spirit

What is Yoga?

At Om Asana, we believe yoga is more than a practice-it’s a journey of self-discovery.

Originating in northern India over 5,000 years ago, yoga began as a way to improve both mental and physical well-being. The word “yoga” first appeared in the Rig Veda, the oldest of India’s sacred texts, a collection of hymns and mantras used by priests in the Vedic age. Over time, Rishis (sages) expanded on these practices, documenting their teachings in the Upanishads, a vast text with over 200 scriptures. Yoga remains one of Hinduism’s six main philosophies and is also integral to Buddhism.


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Class Information

Class One

  • Friday: 9am – 90min

  • St Ann’s Church Hall, 4 Brighton Road, Banstead, SM7 1BS
  • Free parking is available at the back of the Church Hall.

The yoga studio/church hall is conveniently located on the A217, the hall is easily accessible from Banstead, Nork, Tattenham Corner, Chipstead, Kingswood, Tadworth, Burgh Heath, Sutton, and Cheam.

Class Two

  • Saturday: 10am – 90min
  • St Dunstan’s Church Hall , Church Road, Cheam, Surrey, SM3 8QJ
  • Nearest parking is at the Cheam Library Car Park, or you can park for free in the Cheam Park Car Park and walk through.

To locate the hall, enter the churchyard and head towards the main entrance of the church. Follow the path to your right, heading East, and you will find the small church hall. Jem from Om Asana will be waiting to greet you.

The yoga studio/church hall is conveniently situated in Cheam Village, easily accessible from Cheam, Worcester Park, Morden, Sutton, Epsom, Ewell, Stoneleigh, Banstead, and Belmont.

Why Hatha Yoga Stands Out

What Makes Hatha Yoga Unique?

Hatha yoga, a cornerstone of Om Asana’s approach, has roots dating back over a thousand years and focuses on understanding and respecting the body. By combining physical postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), and relaxation, it supports health, may slow ageing, and serves as powerful preventive care. Studies show that regular Hatha practice builds resilience, inner security, and peace. It improves strength, flexibility, balance, and vitality, encouraging people of all ages and abilities to move gently and mindfully, focusing on the journey rather than an ideal pose. As the Yogabhashya beautifully states –

“The posture becomes perfect when the effort of achieving it vanishes.”

Hatha yoga teaches ahimsa (non-violence) through mindful movement, promoting care and respect for the body. Each posture involves three stages, entering, holding, and exiting, with the breath guiding ease and release. Visualising the benefits of each asana enhances well-being, building strength, emotional balance, and clarity of mind. Beyond physical health, Hatha yoga fosters emotional resilience, mental clarity, and self-awareness, equipping us to face life’s challenge with calm, strength, and equanimity.

Decoding Yoga Terminology

What About the Terminology?

At Om Asana, we strive to make yoga accessible to everyone. For those new to the practice, some terms might feel unfamiliar, as many are derived from Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language. For example:

  • Asana: While asana translates to “seat,” it now refers to physical postures. For instance, Caturanga Dandasana, or “low plank,” strengthens the arms, shoulders, and core.

  • Pranayama: “Prana” means life force, and pranayama are breathing techniques that clear physical and emotional obstacles. An example is Ujjayi or “victorious breath,” a technique that sounds like the ocean, used to calm and centre.

  • Om (also spelled Aum): is considered sacred and profoundly significant in Indian spiritual traditions like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It represents the primordial sound of the universe and is often described as the vibration from which all existence originates. Om is often chanted at the beginning and end of yoga practices, helping centre the mind and connect practitioners to their inner selves and the universe.

  • Ahimsa: means “non-violence” or “non-harming” in Sanskrit. It comes from “a” meaning “not” or “without,” and “himsa” meaning “violence” or “harm.” Together, it means “not causing harm.” Ahimsa is a key idea in yoga, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It encourages kindness, compassion, and respect for all living beings, including yourself. In yoga, it reminds us to practise with care and avoid pushing the body in ways that might cause harm.

The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit root yuj, meaning “to yoke,” “to unite,” or “to join.” It symbolises a connection or harmony between body, mind, and spirit, reflecting our philosophy at Om Asana.

Feel Better, Live Better with Yoga

What Are the Benefits of Yoga Postures?

Starting with foundational postures offers many benefits, including increased flexibility, muscle strength, spinal support, improved blood flow, and enhanced mood. At Om Asana, we embrace yoga’s adaptability, ensuring it suits all lifestyles and abilities. While Hatha yoga is a popular choice, practising postures mindfully, without the pressure of perfection, nurtures both body and mind.

How Did Yoga Spread to the West?

Yoga’s global journey owes much to pioneers like Swami Vivekananda, who introduced it to the United States in 1893 as a “science of the mind.” Later, Swami Yogendra brought Hatha yoga to America in 1919, emphasising its health benefits. Though immigration restrictions slowed its spread in the 1920s, a policy change in 1965 opened doors for a new wave of teachers. Influential figures like B.K.S. lyengar brought yoga to the masses, demonstrating its accessibility and appeal.

Discover the Life-Changing Benefits of Yoga

How Does Yoga Enhance Life?

At Om Asana, we see yoga as more than physical exercise, it’s a way to nurture mental and emotional well-being while cultivating a joyful, mindful approach to life. For many, yoga is a sanctuary from the stresses of a fast-paced world, leaving one stronger, calmer, and ready to embrace life fully.

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and we’ll respond promptly.