Yoga Nidra

The Ultimate Relaxation Technique

Yoga Nidra: The Art of Yogic Sleep

Yoga Nidra, often called “yogic sleep,” is a meditative practice that combines profound relaxation with heightened awareness. Its roots trace back to ancient Sanskrit texts, with mentions in revered works like the Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita, and Upanishads. Unlike ordinary sleep or meditation, Yoga Nidra induces a unique state between wakefulness and sleep, offering benefits that extend beyond simple relaxation. Practiced in Shavasana (corpse pose), this method is lauded for its ability to rejuvenate the body, calm the mind, and nurture the spirit, making it a transformative tool for holistic well-being.


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The Art of Conscious Rest

Principles and Practice of Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nida aligns with the ancient yogic concept of pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), a key element of Patanjali’s eightfold path. By quieting the external stimuli, practitioners can dive into their inner world, fostering a state of balance and harmony across the five koshas (layers of being):

  • Annamaya Kosha (physical layer): Relaxing each part of the body to release tension.
  • Pranamaya Kosha (energy layer): Harmonising the breath and chakra systems.
  • Manomaya Kosha (mental layer): Clearing emotional clutter and enhancing clarity.
  • Vijnanamaya Kosha (wisdom layer): Developing insight and self-awareness.
  • Anandamaya Kosha (bliss layer): Experiencing profound inner peace and joy.

Each session of Yoga Nidra follows a structured process, which typically includes preparation, intention-setting (Sankalpa), guided body awareness, breath focus, emotional processing, visualisation, reaffirmation of the Sankalpa, and a gradual return to normal consciousness.

Yoga Nidra Made Easy

Key Steps in a Yoga Nidra Session


Begin in Shavasana, lying comfortably with palms facing upward. Focus on deep, steady breaths to calm the mind and relax the body.


Set a personal intention or resolution, such as “I will embrace calmness.” Repeat it silently with conviction to plant this resolve in the subconscious.

Rotation of Consciousness

Mentally focus on different body parts, promoting physical and mental awareness.

Breath Awareness

Observe natural breathing patterns, enhancing mindfulness and relaxation.

Opposite Feelings and Sensations

Recall contrasting experiences (e.g., heaviness vs. lightness) to deepen emotional balance.


Imagine specific scenarios or symbols to stimulate creativity and subconscious healing.

Reaffirmation of Sankalpa

Revisit the intention, reinforcing its integration.


Gradually return awareness to the present, moving the body gently and opening the eyes.

Health Benefits of Yoga Nidra

Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

At Om Asana, we recognise the transformative power of Yoga Nidra in promoting mental and emotional well-being. Regular practice has been shown to significantly reduce stress, anxiety, and depression by calming the mind and restoring inner balance.

Research demonstrates its effectiveness:

  • Women with menstrual irregularities experienced a noticeable reduction in anxiety and depression after six months of consistent Yoga Nidra practice.
  • Students reported lower stress levels and improved relaxation, supported by increased alpha brainwaves-associated with a calm and focused mind.
  • Nursing students observed significant decreases in stress after just 20 days of practising Yoga Nidra.

Pain Management

Yoga Nidra also offers relief from physical discomfort, helping to manage pain effectively.

Studies have shown that colonoscopy patients who practiced Yoga Nidra experienced less pain compared to those who did not, highlighting its ability to reduce pain perception and enhance comfort.

At Om Asana, we are dedicated to making Yoga Nidra an accessible and empowering practice for anyone seeking relief from the challenges of modern life. With regular practice, Yoga Nidra not only addresses stress, anxiety, and depression but also fosters a sense of calm, clarity, and resilience.

Relax and Renew with Yoga Nidra

Om Asana:
Transforming Wellness Through Yoga Nidra

At Om Asana, we believe in the profound potential of Yoga Nidra to enhance holistic well-being, with research-backed benefits spanning physical, mental, and emotional health. Here’s how Yoga Nidra can transform your life:

Yoga Nidra has been shown to support hormonal regulation, particularly for those experiencing imbalances. Studies reveal that regular practice can reduce prolactin levels and stabilise other key hormones, offering natural support for women with menstrual irregularities and addressing broader endocrine challenges.
At Om Asana, we embrace Yoga Nidra as a heart-friendly practice. Its calming effects lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate, and decrease inflammation markers. Simultaneously, it strengthens immune resilience by increasing haemoglobin and white blood cell counts, equipping your body to thrive in the face of stressors.
Using advanced brain imaging techniques like EEG and PET scans, researchers have uncovered Yoga Nidra’s remarkable effects on the brain. It enhances dopamine release, fosters theta wave activity linked to deep relaxation, and activates regions associated with visualisation and memory. These neurological benefits make Yoga Nidra an essential tool for mental clarity and emotional balance.
For those managing type 2 diabetes, Yoga Nidra is a powerful complement to traditional treatment. When combined with standard medication, it has been shown to significantly improve blood glucose levels, highlighting its potential as a natural and accessible therapeutic approach.
At Om Asana, we know the value of restorative sleep. Yoga Nidra has proven to be a game-changer for individuals with chronic insomnia, enhancing total sleep time and promoting deeper sleep stages. Its effectiveness is comparable to cognitive-behavioural therapy, offering a soothing and accessible pathway to better rest.

Transform your health and wellbeing with the power of Yoga Nidra. Discover the Om Asana difference—where ancient wisdom meets modern wellness.

Relax and Rejuvenate with Yoga Nidra

Om Asana: Elevating Modern Wellness with Yoga Nidra

At Om Asana, we are passionate about integrating the transformative power of Yoga Nidra into contemporary lifestyles. This ancient practice has evolved to address the challenges of our fast-paced, modern world, offering healing benefits to diverse communities:

Yoga Nidra in Contemporary Contexts

Yoga Nidra offers a gentle yet powerful path to healing for individuals of all ages who have experienced trauma. For adolescents who have faced abuse or emotional distress, it provides a safe space to release tension, calm the nervous system, and foster emotional resilience. Beyond this, Yoga Nidra is a valuable tool for anyone navigating the aftermath of trauma—whether physical, emotional, or psychological. By guiding the mind into a state of deep relaxation, it helps process and release suppressed emotions, restore inner balance, and cultivate a sense of safety and empowerment. At Om Asana, we embrace Yoga Nidra’s profound potential to support recovery and renewal for those on their healing journey.
At Om Asana, we celebrate Yoga Nidra’s ability to sharpen the mind as well as strengthen the body. Athletes, such as wrestlers, have experienced significant gains in focus, reaction times, and mental clarity, demonstrating how this practice is a secret weapon for those pursuing peak performance.
The pandemic underscored the importance of mental and emotional well-being, and Yoga Nidra emerged as a powerful tool for recovery. Individuals who incorporated it into their routines during this time reported reduced stress levels, better sleep quality, and enhanced overall resilience, making it an essential practice for navigating post-pandemic life.
In today’s high-pressure work environments, Yoga Nidra is gaining traction as a method to combat burnout. By promoting deep relaxation and mental clarity, it empowers professionals to recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance, fostering productivity and well-being.

Yoga Nidra is more than a practice, it’s a pathway to thriving in modern life. Experience the unique blend of tradition and innovation at Om Asana, where we help you unlock the full potential of your mind and body.

Yoga Nidra for Healing

Supporting Grief and Emotional Healing

At Om Asana, we recognise the profound pain that grief can bring, whether from the loss of a loved one, a life transition, or other heart-wrenching changes. Research supports the use of Yoga Nidra as a therapeutic tool for processing grief and trauma, with evidence showing it can alleviate symptoms like anxiety and depression by calming the nervous system and fostering emotional regulation.

Through deep relaxation and guided awareness, Yoga Nidra allows individuals to process emotions gently, alleviating feelings of overwhelm and fostering acceptance. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system, helping to release emotional tension stored in the body and promoting inner stillness. Yoga Nidra used in clinical settings, have shown significant benefits for trauma survivors, creating a bridge to resilience, hope, and peace amidst the storm of grief.

At Om Asana, we honour the deeply personal journey of healing, offering a nurturing environment where transformation and renewal are possible.

Inner Calm with Yoga

A Path to Inner Harmony

As Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati beautifully stated:

“In Yoga Nidra, we experience a state of harmony between body, brain, and mind. The unconscious barriers within the personality dissolve, allowing the mind’s healing power to manifest.”

Yoga Nidra is not merely a relaxation technique; it is a profound journey into the depths of consciousness, offering transformative benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. With its ancient roots and scientifically validated efficacy, Yoga Nidra continues to be a beacon of holistic healing in the modern world.

Contact Us for More Information

Looking for more details? Use the form below to send us your enquiry,
and we’ll respond promptly.


‘The origin and clinical relevance of Yoga Nidra’, PubMed Central.
Available at:

[Accessed 20 November 2024].